MBBS / MPH Internship Program

Supervisors for MPH Internship

Dr. Deepashri Agrawal

Centre/Department: Centre for Brain Research

Email: deepashria@iisc.ac.in

Area of Research: Hearing, Speech perception, ABR, EEG, Cognition, System neuroscience, Dementia.

Lab website: https://cbr.iisc.ac.in/

Prof. Manish Arora

Centre/Department: Design and Manufacturing

Email: marora@iisc.ac.in

Area of Research: Biomedical Device Design.

Lab website: https://cpdm.iisc.ac.in/utsaah/

Dr. Abhijit Biswas

Centre/Department: Design and Manufacturing

Email: abiswas@iisc.ac.in

Area of Research: EMG based temporomandibular disorder and ECG based cardiac arrhythmia classification.

Lab website: https://www.inspirelab.top/

Dr. Prosenjit Das

Centre/Department: Materials Engineering

Email: prosenjitdas@iisc.ac.in

Area of Research: Bio-inspired manufacturing targeting Orthodontic, Prosthodontic, orthopaedic applications.

Lab website: https://sites.google.com/view/ammpl/home?pli=1

Prof. Thomas Gregor Issac

Centre/Department: Centre for Brain Research

Email: thomasgregor@iisc.ac.in

Area of Research: Predementia, Dementia Biomarkers, Risk and Preventive factors in dementia.

Lab website: https://cbr.iisc.ac.in/people/thomas-gregor-issac/n

Dr. Sreenivasan Ramaswami

Centre/Department: Centre for Sustainable Technologies

Email: sreeni@iisc.ac.in

Area of Research: For evaluating (based on existing literature): Hospital wastewater/effluent compositions & hazards, management scenario/practices in the country, recommended practices in industrialised countries. (A national study, funded by WHO, is expected to be happening during the same time).

Lab website: www.suspaani-lab.com

Prof. Vishal Singh

Centre/Department: Design and Manufacturing

Email: singhv@iisc.ac.in

Area of Research: Public Health, Health Infrastructure, Mobile Health Units, Design and Operations of PHCs.

Lab website: https://cpdm.iisc.ac.in/i4i/

Prof. Kumaravel Somasundaram

Centre/Department: Microbiology and Cell Biology

Email: skumar1@iisc.ac.in

Area of Research: Genetics of Cancer, Cancer stem cells, Tumor angiogenesis, Glioblastoma, Targeted therapy.

Lab website: https://epigencancer.wixsite.com/ksslab

Dr. William R. Surin

Centre/Department: Microbiology and Cell Biology

Email: wrsurin@iisc.ac.in

Area of Research: 1. Deciphering platelet signalling pathways for better therapeutics for cardiovascular diseases. 

2. Development and validation of animal models and in vitro test systems for the treatment of inflammatory respiratory diseases.

Lab website: https://sites.google.com/site/wrsurin