MBBS / MPH Internship Program

Supervisors for MBBS Internship

Prof. Manish Arora

Centre/Department: Design and Manufacturing

Email: marora@iisc.ac.in

Area of Research: Medical Device Development, Ultrasound imaging.

Lab website: https://dm.iisc.ac.in/utsaah/

Prof. Dipshikha Chakravortty

Centre/Department: Microbiology and Cell Biology

Email: dipa@iisc.ac.in

Area of Research: Infectious disease, Immunology.

Lab website: https://mcb.iisc.ac.in/dclab/

Dr. Prosenjit Das

Centre/Department: Materials Engineering

Email: prosenjitdas@iisc.ac.in

Area of Research: Materials processing & Manufacturing

Lab website: https://sites.google.com/view/ammpl/home


Dr. Somnath Dutta

Centre/Department: Molecular Biophysics Unit

Email: somnath@iisc.ac.in

Area of Research: Structural Biology, host pathogen interaction, Infectious disease biology (Mycobacterium, Staphylococcus aureus), Structure-based drug design.

Lab website: https://somnath92.wixsite.com/website

Prof. Sandeep Eswarappa

Centre/Department: Biochemistry

Email: sandeep@iisc.ac.in

Area of Research: Mammalian gene expression.

Lab website: https://sites.google.com/view/dr-sandeep-m-eswarappa/people/current-members

Dr. Thomas Gregor Issac

Centre/Department: Centre for Brain Research

Email: thomasgregor@iisc.ac.in

Area of Research: Clinical Neuroscience, Epidemiology, Clinical Phenomeniology of dementias, Cognitive neurosciences, Neuropsychiatry.

Lab website: https://cbr-iisc.ac.in/thomas-gregor-issac/

Dr. Prabhakar T V 

Centre/Department: Electronic System Engineering

Email: tvprabs@iisc.ac.in

Area of Research: Networked Embedded Systems and IOT.  

Lab website: https://labs.dese.iisc.ac.in/zenlab/ongoing-projects/

Prof. Sriram Ganapathy

Centre/Department: Electrical, Electronics and Computer Sciences

Email: sriramg@iisc.ac.in

Area of Research: Conversational machine learning based agents for understanding, monitoring and prognosis of mental health. The candidate will help in data collection, model evaluation and benchmarking of systems with domain knowledge. 

Lab website: http://leap.ee.iisc.ac.in/

Dr. Jonas S. Sundarakumar

Centre/Department: Centre for Brain Research

Email: jonas@cbr-iisc.ac.in

Area of Research: Identifying risk and protective factors of dementia. Developing a composite biomarker for the early diagnosis of dementia.

Lab website: https://cbr-iisc.ac.in/jonas-sundarakumar/

Dr. William R. Surin

Centre/Department: Microbiology and Cell Biology

Email: wrsurin@iisc.ac.in

Area of Research: Thrombosis, Platelets, and Anti-thrombotics: Understanding platelet signaling pathways and interventions. Elucidating the pathogenesis of COPD by developing suitable animal models and in vitro test systems and to identify the suitable targets/pathways for therapeutics/interventions in the treatment of COPD diseases. Application of Flow Cytometry in Biological Studies.

Lab website: https://mcb.iisc.ac.in/research-single/william-r-surin


Prof. Subba Rao Gangi Setty

Centre/Department: Microbiology and Cell Biology

Email: subba@iisc.ac.in

Area of Research: Skin pigmentation, health and hygiene.

Lab website: https://mcb.iisc.ac.in/research-single/subba-rao-gangi-setty

Dr. Vaanathi Sundaresan

Centre/Department: Department of Computational and Data Sciences

Email: vaanathi@iisc.ac.in

Area of Research: Medical imaging, developing AI techniques for precision medicine using imaging data, specific focus on vascular cognitive impairment.

Lab website: https://sites.google.com/view/biomedia-lab/home


Prof. Utpal Tatu

Centre/Department: Department of Biochemistry

Email: tatu@iisc.ac.in

Area of Research: Neglected infectious diseases, zoonoses, one health 

Lab website: https://biochem.iisc.ac.in/utpal/

Prof. Praveen C Ramamurthy

Centre/Department: Materials Engineering

Email: praveen@iisc.ac.in

Area of Research: Biomimetic sensors

Lab website: https://materials.iisc.ac.in/~praveen/

Prof. Bratati Kahali

Centre/Department: Centre for Brain Research

Email: bratati@cbr-iisc.ac.in

Area of Research: Human genetics, non-communicable diseases, Alzheimer’s dementia.

Lab website: https://cbr-iisc.ac.in/bratati-kahali/

Dr. Chinnakkaruppan Adaikkan

Centre/Department: Centre for Brain Research


Area of Research: Brain Research, Alzheimer’s disease, Gamma Stimulation, Neurotransmitters, Neurophysiology, Neural circuits, Brain Stimulation, Mice Model, Electroencphalography (EEG) Human EEG, Human ECG, Prefrontal Cortex, Closed-loop Brain Stimulation, Sleep.

Lab website: https://cbr-iisc.ac.in/chinnakkaruppan_adaikkan/


Prof. Debnath Pal

Centre/Department: Department of Computational and Data Sciences. 

Email: dpal@iisc.ac.in

Area of Research: Downstaging of Oral Cancer through assistive technologies.

Lab website: cds.iisc.ac.in/faculty/dpal

Sudha Kumari

Dr. Sudha Kumari

Centre/Department: Microbiology and Cell Biology

Email: Sudhakm@iisc.ac.in

Area of Research: Immunology, Immunotherapy

Lab website: https://mcb.iisc.ac.in/research-single/sudha-kumari

Dr. Vini Gautam

Centre/Department: Centre for Nanao Science and Engineering

Email: vini@iisc.ac.in

Area of Research: State-of-the-art technologies in materials science and engineering to address challenging problems in the field of neurosciences. We specifically work on neural interfaces, nanotechnology and bioelectronics.

Lab website: https://www.cense.iisc.ac.in/neuroelectronics/

Kesavardana Sannula

Dr. Kesavardana Sannula 

Centre/Department: Department of Biochemistry

Email: skesav@iisc.ac.in

Area of Research: Zoonotic viruses, Bat immunology, tissue damage & inflammation

Lab website: https://kesavlab.wordpress.com/

Dr. Meetali Singh 

Centre/Department: Developmental Biology and Genetics 

Email: meetalisingh@iisc.ac.in

Area of Research: small RNA, epigenetics, host-parasite interaction

Lab website: www.meetaliLab.com

Dr. Nikhil R Gandasi

Centre/Department: Developmental Biology and Genetics

Email: grnikhil@iisc.ac.in

Area of Research: Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism.

Lab website: https://dbg.iisc.ac.in/people/nikhil-gandasi/

Swaminathan S.

Dr. Swaminathan Sundararaman

Centre/Department: Nephrology, Division of Medical Sciences

Email: swami@iisc.ac.in

Area of Research: Area of Research: Iron metabolism, Kidney Diseases, Multiple Myeloma, Ageing, Brain-Kidney interactions, Acute Kidney Injury, Polycystic Kidney Disease, Artificial Intelligence, Chronic Kidney Disease

Balaji Jayaprakash

Prof. Balaji Jayaprakash

Centre/Department: Centre for Neuroscience

Email: jbalaji@iisc.ac.in

Area of Research: Learning Memory and Cognition